Thursday, September 18, 2008

This and that...

So, how's it going in blogworld?? I really don't know, as I hardly ever have the time to read them anymore. :( There are really cool and smart and sweet and special people whose blogs I have learned and laughed so much from that I just have fallen away from reading. And I would like to get back to of these days.

In the meantime, here's what has been going on here:
  • Very positive things going on in Nate's home/work ratio, Praise the Lord!!
  • We started homeschool on Monday, and it's going great!! Ian is doing better than I thought he would, Grace is a little behind what I thought she was in her writing ability but TOTALLY makes up for it in enthusiasm. George is doing great and loves all his second grade work. Claire is climbing into everything and trying to sit in everyone's laps while they work, but for the most part, I am handling it all okay.
  • I had a fantabulous day off with a wonderful dear, dear friend. We went to Starbucks, twice (thankyou for the gift card, secret pal!!) We went to the thrift store and tried on clothes and modeled for each other, we both found some great fitting jeans!!!!!! (seriously, this right here deserves it's own miracle status) We ate, we laughed, we talked, I got a haircut, we bought totally outrageous and impractical, yet totally cute girlie shoes, it was sooo balm to my soul.
  • We have the ball rolling on getting Claire's court ordered birth certificate and hopefully, Lord willing, will have her s.s. card in time to claim her on our taxes, which we delayed filing until October.
  • I finally used my picture printer and it works great!! I am so thankful for it.
  • I am having all sorts of trouble with my asthma, but hopefully the new meds I got will start working consistently here..sometime??
  • Until my lungs are working well, I am just casting longing glances at my treadmill and wondering what on earth God's purpose was for letting me love it and use it for a month and now not being able to walk to the mailbox without getting winded, let alone run for a half hour. *Sigh*
  • The older three are all in Awana now and doing well. I am working in the nursery, which is so calming and relaxing for me.
  • Our church now has, through the amazing grace and hand of God, all the money needed and has started construction on our new addition/building project, debt-free! Yay!!
  • It is starting to get cooler outside. I love it, I love it, I love it!! I think I enjoy fall more every year. That briskness in the air, which is only a hint now, just so energizes me and makes me *see* everything so much brighter. I love it. Long sleeved shirts, warm cups of coffee, fires in the evening, open windows, snuggling with fleecy blankets on the loveseat, walking outside in the wind and the leaves.....bring it on!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying for your asthma. I know the feeling. Love, Katie