I can't believe it's been so long since I have blogged! Okay, I can, I have been a teensy bit busy moving and packing and unpacking. I did so well the first few days, but now I have kind of lost my momentum. I think I am waiting until we have all the furniture over here finally and then I will start unpacking again. There are five boxes of books sitting next to me right now and the empty bookshelf sits next to them, but do you think I am unpacking them. Sadly no. :P All of the bathroom stuff is unpacked, all the kitchen stuff, and our clothes are all put away, (okay, all except the two loads of laundry I need to fold), but I haven't gotten any decorations, pictures, etc. out at all. There is so much room here, especially in the living room, and the only thing we don't have in there yet is the recliner. It makes me excited to think of all the choices we will have to put the Christmas tree. :) We still don't have a kitchen table, we left our other one and four chairs at the other house. We are borrowing a fold out table and some extra chairs from Karen and George. I want to get a bigger table, one with 6 or 8 chairs. There is one I looked at today at the discount used furniture place down the road. I think this guy just buys stuff from estate sales and flea markets. I think I could talk him down on the price, too, if I needed to. I 'll have to ask Nathan about it. We'll see. I would love to have more bookshelves now that we have so much room for them, too. I can't believe how time has flown by since we moved in. It doesn't seem like we've been here for a week and a half, but on the other hand, it seems like forever ago that we were in the other house. Nate took off Thursday and worked all day over there, putting laminate wood flooring in the living room and hallway. It looks so good, he did a great job. Now I just wish we had that at this house. :P Maybe someday. The carpet was really trashed in that other house, though, it needed to be done. Nate told me before he was going to save the patch of carpet that Grace was born on. I forgot to ask him if he did. It was his first solo delivery! :) We still have to paint over there and finish up the trim on the flooring, then do another once over cleaning, and it will be all set for our renters. Nate got home before the kids bedtime last night, which was the first time since we had moved in. It was so nice to have him put the kids to bed. It makes me wish for fall even more, when he will be able to home more. During the busy season, though, I just get so used to doing everything myself, sometimes it's hard for me to let him help when he is home, if that makes any sense. It will be wonderful when he can be home more, though and take a regular day off every week. And now, he won't need to be spending his day off fixing up the basement! We will probably do some landscaping here in the fall, the back yard is pretty rough, but there are no real home improvements to be done here to take up his time. And this fall is when we are taking our looong family vacation. We've never gone anywhere for longer than than 3 days together when we weren't visiting family at Christmas time, and we had been planning for a week in November, and the other day, Nate said we might even be gone longer than that. :) And he is taking a big break at Christmas to drive up to Maine. That will be wonderful. Well, on another subject, Grace is crawling all over the place! She does this little army man scoot thing most of the time, but she is getting faster at real crawling, too. Ian has started trying to pick her up, which is funny because she is more than half his size. She just thinks it is funny. Anything her brothers do she thinks is hilarious. I so need to videotape them all. The boys have started trying to get her to laugh, George especially, and it is so cute. We bought presents and party stuff for Ian's party today. I can't believe my little man will be 2 next week!!! I think we will have the party on Saturday, a week from today. It is going to be a racecar party. Ian almost always carries around at least one little car with him and he loves to play with them. I got Hot Wheels plates and napkins, (half off at Party City) and a banner that has race cars on it and says Happy Birthday. We got him a little matchbox car garage, and I let George pick out a smaller carwash thing to go along with it. He said he only wanted to get it if Ian would share with him. ;P LOL Well, I finally found my camera and posted pictures of the house below. As soon as I get the insides all unpacked and prettyed up, I'll post pics of the inside. Well, I'd better go, I need to start thinking about supper. Cheerio!!!