Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I came really close to buying a treadmill over the weekend, but unfortunately, it was sold before I got back with the person, and now I am kicking myself over it. I would love, love, love, love to have a treadmill. I ran for years (pre-baby days) and I am starting to feel that yearning again, and to be able to do that at home, when I can, without having to find childcare or drive anywhere, that would be very blissfull. I have done the Billy Blanks Tae Bo foundations video
a few times now, and I really like it. I have been getting more sleep lately, since the baby has been sleeping all night almost every night for about a week and a half (Praise the Lord!!!) so I should have more energy in the morning, but every time I try to get up early to work out or get stuff done, I am so exhausted by noonish, I am crabby and worthless. I think I get my best quality sleep from about 4am to 8am. The problem is I rarely get to stay in bed until 8 am. Maybe I just need to stick it out and get into more of a routine, and once it becomes habitual, it won't be so bad. I do really want to get a treadmill, though. I am watching a few on ebay and keeping my eyes out on local sites, and really hoping something comes up soon. I need to start doing something, if not for my health and weight loss, than just for stress reduction. I swear I would be a nicer person if I had a punching bag in my closet. I hate to admit it, having railed against the Buchanan temper all my life, but I do have a twinge of it. Somewhere in my blood there courses the long lost genes of a fierce Scottish warrior, and it does get the best of me sometimes. I am praying that if it is the Lord's will, He will let me find a decently priced, good quality treadmill. Just imagining running in my bedroom, listening to Third Day, getting all the angst pushed out in sheer physical exhaustion.......this sounds heavenly.

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