Saturday, August 11, 2007

George William

I was just explaining to George what a blog was, why it existed, and why it was fun. The only thing he really connected with was when I said "I can write whatever I want to." Then he said "Well, then, Mama, you should write...George is cool!" So, here goes, my message for the day....

GEORGE IS COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really, George is very cool, for many reasons, like..

  • He loves the color red just like I do.
  • He can remember what he got for his first birthday, what we had for dinner when we when to a friend's house when I was pregnant with he was about 16 months old, and a million other random and not so random things.
  • He is an incredible helper to me with his three little siblings
  • He absolutely adores his Daddy
  • He is afraid of new things, but he tries them anyway
  • He told me he has to have his head facing the wall when he's in bed, because that is "the good dream side"
  • He is almost up to my armpit.....and he's only five
  • He is incredibly intelligent...and he knows it
  • He has started asking me for hugs...just because he knows I like them, even though he doesn't
  • He is a total rock star at original Nintendo Mario
  • He loves me to read him The Hobbit
  • He was looking around at the world, taking it all in, before he was even completely born
  • He was saying Dada at 5 months, and Mama at 6 months, and he hasn't stopped talking since then
  • He loves to go camping
  • He was my first born son, beautiful pregnancy, wonderful delivery, bleary eyed-sleepless infanthood-ed, eat on the dot every three hours baby around the clock.
  • He is a wonderful big brother
  • He is a rock fanatic
  • He climbed Borestone Mtn. (see pic above) in October.. "without ever stopping once!"

I know there are a million more things I'm not thinking of. He is my almost complete personality opposite and he so rocks my world. Sometimes I am terrified I am totally screwing him up, thinking "Why, Lord, did you ever give him to me...surely you know me, and you know him, and it seems like such a bad fit" But of course, the Lord does know this, and I'm sure he is using George to grow me and teach me.


Misty said...

We ALL have one child that rocks our world and is a complete opposite. Usually our first born. It's God's smite button! LOL!

Dawn said...

My good dream side.........I love it!