Friday, November 28, 2008


It's the day after Thansgiving. I should be doing my Friday Felicities..and probably will later. I have much to be thankful for. I was actually considering going shopping with the kids today, but my van won't start again. I do need to go out later and get my Rx filled, I took the last one last night. And really, after looking at all the Black Friday big sale flyers, the only thing that I really want to go out and buy is the 12 big roll pack of Charmin Ultra at Rite Aid for $5.49. So that's probably what I'll do tonight when Nate gets home. We went to Karen's for a Thansgiving supper yesterday. Nate was home and let me sleep in and made a big breakfast for us all, then did something I've been wanting him to for about 2 years- switched the stoves from here and Whitesburg. So, I'm very happy about that, and looking forward to using an oven that works consistently and is nicer and all.

I had a good talk with a good friend the other day, then a good talk about that talk with my good man that night. I am always afraid to share with him what is really going on in my heart, I guess I think in the back of my mind that if he really knew "the real me" he would leave, or take my kids away, or something. But, he never does, and I am so thankful for that. Indeed, the few times I have actually shared it all, what he does is listen, and then ask what he can do to help. That still amazes me. And does such an amazing job of reflecting the love of God.


Anonymous said...

Howdy and Happy Thanksgiving!!! We DO have so much to be thankful for!!! I love thinking about what i am thankful for, show nuff will help pull me out of a funkifiedness state of mind. I need to do that everyday!!!! ;-) The thought NEVER occured to me go out there today,as much as i love me some toilet paper....anyway...... Merry Friday to you-tp

Katie said...

You have a wonderful sounding husband. I am glad for you.