I have blogged so much in my head, there's not much more to actually write down. Kidding. :P Really, since I have started doing this, and have fallen out of the habit of actually doing it, I think of things that would make great blog entries, and compose them beautifully (and without spelling errors) in my head. It would be just so much easier if I could just plug a cord into my head and download my thoughts, like I do with the pictures from my digital camera. Speaking of which, I will post some from my fabulous weekend trip to Alabama. :) Alas, there is no such technology yet, that of plugging your brain into the computer and having it blog for you, so I will have to settle for insubstantial posts, few and far between, and just live with the knowledge that I really know my brain is teeming with brilliant discourses on a myriad of subjects that alas, will never be known to the general populace. What a shame.
Anyway, my children are screaming around me, I am still in my pajama pants. Grace was practicing throwing a tantrum closeby, then noticed that no one was looking at her, and got up and crawled off to play. The boys are playing with some cute little bath tread ducks I got yesterday. I'm surprised they're not asking for lunch yet, but that's why I stole a minute to write some. I got all of Grace's clothes sorted, organized, packed away and hung up this morning. That was a job that had been needing to be done for weeks, and I am finally done it. Which brings up the subject of the hour: procrastination. I have always struggled with this, but I think I have excused myself a bit because I am so incredibly much better at it than most of the people in my family, where it is a veritable plague. Yet, still, I do succumb to the temptation to "put it off" far too often. I have kind of turned a blind eye, conviction-wise, to it, but recently, it has really been made clear in my sight. It is very hypocritical in me to espouse honesty as the virtue above all others that I treasure in people, and yet, when I procrastinate, or say I am going to do something ,and then do not, I am being dishonest myself. I'm lying to myself, I am lying to others. Even if it is only a goal that exists only in my own mind, if I set out to do it, I am accountable before the Lord to get it done. There is no excuse for it to be otherwise. I'm not talking about taking care of sin or facing Biblical truths that the Lord brings before me, I am just talking about everyday things that I set as goals, or say I want to accomplish, then let them go by the wayside. For example, I had verbally set as a goal to get some things listed on eBay in the month of February. I got one thing listed. Misty even came over and helped me take a bunch of pictures and showed me how to set everything up, and I never followed through. I find it far too easy to make excuses and let other things get in the way. You know, I hate it when Nathan does this. I absolutely can't stand it, when he says he is going to be home at a certain time, or accomplish a project at a certain deadline, and it doesn't happen. That bothers me so badly. But, when I do this, how am I behaving any differently than what I despise in his behavior? I'm not. I don't really have any right to expect him to be "honest" with me in this respect, when I am not honest myself.
On to happier, (and less rife with conviction) subjects. I had an incredibly relaxing, fun, wonderful weekend!! It was so neat to be in on the surprise for Becky's birthday lunch and to meet Susan, and Ashley, and Becky. Not to mention being able to spend that much time with one of my favorite people on earth-Misty. We had such a blast. I could talk to and listen to her for hours. We talked and laughed and sang, (Okay, she sang, I wasn't going to put her through my singing!) and the time went really quickly. We stopped at Edgars bakery in Birmingham, which was so beautiful and you could just smell the calories in the air. They had all manner of confectionary delights. I got some cinnamon rugelach for Nate and some chocolate lollipops for the boys. I haven't given them to them yet. I think I might wait til Easter. They've got adorable little frosting bunnies and chicks on them. We ate lunch at Rigatoni's Italian restaurant. It was fabulous. Becky was so sweet, Ashley was so wonderful, and Susan was an all out trip, so funny and great. It was wonderful. Then we went shopping and met Ashley's husband and daughter and went to Becky's house, where we met her sweet family. Her boys are so cute!! She let me squeeze her little one's cheeks before he went to bed. I'd been dying to all evening. We sat and talked and fellowshipped and had a great time, then went to stay at Ashley's parents house, who were out of town for the weekend. It was great. Some leftover pizza and cinnamon rolls for breakfast and we were on the road. I was sorry to see it all end, although of course I was happy to get home.
Nathan had made bread, had the house cleaned, and all children present and accounted for when I got home. It was so sweet of him to let me go, and I had such a good time. George told me when he got up from his nap that he didn't miss me, though and no one missed me. Not meanly, just very matter of fact. He did start crying as soon as he saw me, and whimpered for a day and half after that, too. Sometimes, I just don't know how to help that kid. Ian made up for any lack of welcome elsewhere, though, he was SOOO excited to see me and just kept hugging me and then holding my face in his hands and hugging me some more with a huge grin on his face.
The kids are finally completely, I hope, over this stomach virus that they passed along for a week and a half. Ian got it first, then Grace, then George. George was the least sick and the most wiped out. Grace got over it in two days, but Ian kept hanging on to it for about 5. I did about three loads of laundry or more everyday last week, and my hands were raw from washing so often, but we kept from getting it passed around again, and from Nathan and I getting it, so that was worth it. I think we picked it up from going to BK and the boys playing in the playplace. I guess I hadn't really thought of it, I just assumed they must clean and sanitize those things, but sources tell me no. :P I don't think we'll be doing that anytime soon again.
Well, I must go, the posse is getting hungry and I need to do some laundry so I have some pants to wear tonight to Awana. I am wondering whether or not I want to be in Awana next year and have my kids in it. Nothing against the program, I just am starting to feel questioning that that will be the right thing for us. I guess we'll see. On another note, Nate and I had a great talk last night about his Bible study. It's so seldom he feels the freedom to talk to me of things of that nature, it was just nice to hear his perspectives on what they are studying and what he contributed to the study last week. Just the fact that he is going is a surprise to me, and I am so glad. I think it is really good for him, socially, and Spiritually. I hope it is a benefit to him. And with that, I really am going now!!!!