Monday, March 13, 2006

I don't have time to blog, which is, of course, why I am doing it right now, haha. :P

How about bullets:

*Am I the only person who thinks Eeyore sounds a really lot like John Wayne?!?!?
*I haven't done Nattie's Friday Felicities in a long time, I guess this is Monday's Meanderings
*Nate got the lawn, both sides of the driveway cultivated, limed, seeded, fertilized, hayed and watered in the last three days.
*He just drove up the driveway
*I am making him spaghetti as we speak
*That last statement made no sense whatsoever!
*My friend Sarai, who was my roomemate for two years in college and one of my bridesmaids, is getting married in May, in Oregon
*I want to go to the wedding
*In less than two weeks, I am going on a fun trip, and I can't wait!
*Several friends of mine are expecting babies, and or children, and it's very exciting.
*I am starting a juice fast tommorow
*Nate is going to flip out when he sees how much I spent of veggies and fruit today
*I ate a nutty bar and Little Ceasar's pizza today.....healthy huh?
*My super wonderful husband mixed up and kneaded bread dough for me today and there are three loaves of it in my kitchen, which makes my heart at peace.
*He volunteered to do so, to my shock and delight
*He just came up behind me and kissed me, and when I looked at him I laughed out loud because he has a really big grease spot on his nose
*He spent the late afternoon and evening working on the junk car he bought last fall which is at his friends garage in Carrollton
*Ian went pee on the potty yesterday
*Grace put away her own pajamas all by herself this morning
*George wrote five rows of letters today and did a great job
*But we didn't do the actual reading lesson
*I got out my summer clothes and they are tight
*I have gained probably 10 lbs since November
*My husband doesn't like my gut
*but he still loves to see it uncovered
*Several people in the last week have asked my advice on things, and that just always surprises me, makes me feel inadequate, and honored and burdens me in a prayerful good way
*My kids ate Little Ceasars for supper while watching The Clifford movie on a blanket in the living room
*I got the new Country House catalog today. I want their "Always Kiss Me Goodnight" curtain and their swirly berry wallpaper
*I must go, supper is done for Nathan, and I want to go be with my man

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