I am tired. We've stayed up til 1 and 12 the last two nights, because Nate was putting together that entertainment center, and tonight he's working at the remodeling show in Atlanta, so he won't be home until about 10:30. I am usually such a night owl, but I have been exhausted. The boys take a nap in the afternoon, but George does not sleep anymore, he just does somersaults in the travel crib in my room and talks the whole time, so it's impossible to try to take a nap out here in the living room. Oh, I will be soooo happy when we have the basement done and we have more rooms for everyone! I got a package today from my SIL with a bunch of baby clothes in it for Grace. Most of it's 3-6 month stuff, but it's summery, so I hope either it warms up soon enough for her to wear it, or she stays that size until it gets warmer. My favorite thing were the cute little sneakers. I loooove shoes for my kids. (the weird thing is, I could care less about them for me.) Mandi sent cute little girly sneakers in sizes 1,2, and 3, and red patent leather dress shoes in size 3. I can't wait until she can wear them. I love red. There were some really cute things in there, although a little too much of my least favorite color, pink, but really inevitable if you have a little girl. It 's fun to have all this stuff, though, and I can't wait until her hair is longer and I can put little clips and pigtails in it. I got my birth announcements in the mail today, and spent the morning addressing them. I got the new years letter done and sent, these were next, then I really need to get all the thankyou cards done for Christmas, George's birthday and presents for Grace. Man, everyone just needs to quit giving us stuff, it's such a pain to write thankyou's! :P Just kidding. Really, I am always amazed at everyone's generosity, and we are so incredibly blessed. Boy, I might just have to have some caffeine or something, or I might not make it to bedtime tonight. I usually can't sleep if Nate's not in the bed with me, but I might be able to tonight. I think he is going to go work at that remodeling show tommorow, too. I was very disappointed with his decision to work through church, especially when I really think there were other people from his work, that don't go to church, that could have worked. I'm going to try not to say anything derogitory about it, though, as my mom told me on the phone this morning, it's always better to let the Lord convict him of things than to try to do it yourself. I'm not sure how I'm going to get all the kids ready and contained at church by myself. I'm sure Nate's family will help, they always do. I almost always have to leave the service with Grace, though, so in a way, I don't know why I would go, but I know I should, and I want to. Plus, I have some things I need to give Nate's mom. Maybe Nate will just go work at the show after church. Oh well, I'll figure something out. Oh, I have had two good friends tell me in the last two days that they are pregnant!! It's so exciting. They both already have three kids. One has three boys and one has three girls, and I know they are hoping for the other one this time around. That makes three of my close friends who are expecting right now, plus my sister in law, and I am praying for a few other people to get pregnant right now, so I hope they will be able to join the club very soon as well. :) Okay, I don't have any caffeinated coffee in the house, maybe I will just make myself some cocoa. I might have some tea, though. I think I would have felt better if I hadn't tried to take a nap. I was lying down on the couch out here with a pillow over my head, but I just kept hearing George. The rule is, he has to lie down and be quiet. I warned him once, and spanked him twice, and by then, when he really was quiet, I was too riled up to be able to nap again. I just kept almost falling asleep, then I would hear him. Of course, now he's been quiet since I last corrected him for it. I wish I could find a way to get that kid to sleep. He looks exhausted when he gets up and I know he needs to sleep more, it's just like he can't unwind enough. He gets almost no sugar, like once in a blue moon do I ever make any desserts or let him have anything with processed sugar in it. We had salad and grilled chicken for lunch, which he ate 2 bites of, and he had a whole wheat biscuit with natural pb and whole fruit jelly for breakfast, so I don't think it's his diet that keeps him awake. Oh well. I wouldn't worry about it, but he just seems tired so often, he looks like he needs more sleep. I just pray the Lord would show me what I need to do, if I need to do anything about it. My mom has another cold. There's someone else who doesn't get enough sleep. She's just too busy, and involved with things. She works full-time at an elementary school 45 minutes away from her home, teaches a CEF Good News Club one night, and goes to Bible study's 45 minutes away two nights a week. She is one of those people who can always be counted on to be involved with, or organize, or teach anything at church, and she usually is. I am so excited for her to come and visit on her vacation week in February, I really want her to have a real vacation and be able to relax. It worked out really well, actually, the week that she's going to be here, Nate will be at a conferance in New Orleans or someplace for 4 days. So, even though we all wished he could be here to see her then, it will be nice to have some time just with her and also to have her help with the munchkins then. It will be a huge help for me to just have her here to play with the kids, and that's what she wants to do anyway :) Then I can get more done around here. I just noticed that this is really long. I think I am mostly writing to keep myself awake! If I could choose my own hours, I would go to bed at 2 and get up at 10. That's just the way I am wired, and I have been trying to get over this my whole life. I am so not a morning person. I can get up and function and do things, but I always feel the worst in the morning, and the best at night. A few weeks ago, after a few days of nursing every few hours at night with Grace, the thought occured to me how annoyed I would be if I weren't able to sleep in the morning when I could be, and I told my husband not to wake me up to have sex between the hours of 4 and 8, upon peril of his life. Okay, I know that was not a great thing to tell him, and certainly not very keeping with my resolution. I recanted a few days later. He still hasn't, though, for which I am kind of thankful, and kind of disappointed. That's one thing we will always be opposite on, he's not a night person, and i'm not a morning person. Well, I just had to take a break to feed Miss Gracie. She has the cutest little fuzzy purple outfit on today. It reminds me of a monster off of Sesame Street. It has little silver snowflakes embroidered on it, and socks to match. One of my better Goodwill finds. I swear, none of us would have any clothes if I only ever bought new, and I don't know how people who only buy new clothes can afford it. You can get soooo much more for your money at thrift or consignment stores, if you are willing to dig and/or wait for the deals. Well, I think i've blabbered long enough, and I need to go change Grace's diaper. Goodbye