Saturday, January 01, 2005

meme answers

My dear friend Misty asked me some questions in response to the meme thing, so I thought I'd post my responses to her. She asked:
1. What is your biggest fear? Yikes, this is a yucky one to think of. I would have to say probably having regrets, although I definitely need to reorder my priorities so that I have less regrets when I get to Heaven.
2. Describe your life 10 years from now? Well, I think we will, Lord willing, have 2 or three more children, I will be homeschooling, Nathan will probably be still working at Brown's Pools, but possibly be doing something else, maybe even owning his own business. Hopefully, I will be closer to my Lord, closer to my children and closer to being the woman of God and mother and wife that I should be.
3. Are you coming back to Bible study now that you have had Grace? I think so. I hope that it works out that I am able to, but at this point I am just barely keeping my head above water, and I don't know how it will go once Nate goes back to work next week. I miss it, and I don't anticipate anything really keeping me from coming, but I can't make any promises.

I hope someone else asks me some questions, but I think Misty is the only one who reads this. Probably because she is the only one who I have given the address to, and even knows about it. :P Anyway, I need to go, Grace is getting hungry. I'll write more later, hopefully.

1 comment:

Cheri said...


I read Misty and followed her link here to you. :) I'm Cheri and my blog is over at I'm originally from Carrollton and graduated from Central. I look forward to reading your blog. Your children are adorable. I'm adding you to my daily reads.