Friday, February 04, 2005

Bible study last night was really wonderful. I have really missed the fellowship and the learning time. I didn't even really realize til I was there. I love that everyone loves Grace there, but I worry that she's a distraction and it will bother Miss Mike. (Yeah, Misty, I think she likes you best :) Miss Mike gave us all "anxiety boxes" last night. They are to put our worries in. You write on a piece of paper what you are concerned about and then it's just a visual interpretation of giving that worry to God. Once it's in the box, you have relinquished it to the Lord. Oswald Chambers calls worry infidelity- a breach of trust with the Lord. Really, what an affront to our ever faithful loving Father, to take upon ourselves the cares of tommorow, when that is His domain. Miss Mike made a great point last night. If we can trust the Lord to carry us to Heaven, how can we not trust Him with the day to day?

Valentine's Day is coming, and I really want to do something special for Nathan. But, he doesn't want me to spend money on him, he's not into chocolate or cards really. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. He is a very hard working, logical, level headed man who's just not that romantic in the traditional sense. (Note I'm not saying he's not an absolutely amazing lover, that's a whole other story! ;) The problem is, that I am just not a very creative person, and I have a hard time coming up with ideas on my own, so if anyone reads this, let me know some things you have done for your hubby and maybe i'll just steal your ideas. :P All the things I want to do for him are so intangible, I want to destress him, I want to make him happy to be home, to make his home a happy place, to be his helpmeet, I want him to know how much I love being his wife, how special he is to me, what a great man and incredible father he is, but these aren't things you can wrap up and put a bow on the top of, but I really want to give him something to let him know how much I love him. He would be fine without getting anything, he's probably not expecting anything, but this year especially, I want him to know how much he means to me. I am going to pray that the Lord shows me what I need to do.

Speaking of things I need to do, I really need to make some calls and get the laundry put away, and my children are still in their pajamas!! So, adios, amigas!


Cheri said...

How about a book of coupons that he can redeem? (like for a back rub, a foot massage, a shower for two etc) I made up some and they were well received. My hubby doesn't like to get stuff either. I think this year I am ordering him a few books. He reads a lot and so he should appreciate them. :)

Misty said...

Check your e-mail my friend! I think I solved your Valentine Day dilemma.