Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I went to Wal-Mart this morning. I'm still trying to get over it. Not that going to Wal-Mart is all that traumatic, but going to Wal-Mart with my children could about give you a nervous breakdown. Ian was doing his whiny crying thing all morning, (which probably means more teething) and George was in full force argue and constant question mode. I have really been trying to get across to him that it is not okay to argue, or say "But...." after I tell him something, and it is a constant battle. He is so stubborn. He must have gotten that from his father.....yeah. :P Speaking of his father, Nathan has another 80 hour week coming up. He says he just doesn't remember it being this hard last year. The hours were just as long, and it seemed like he was involved in just as much, if not more, but this year, he really seems to be getting more tired and more stressed about it all than usual. He still does wonderfully, and I think at work no one would ever know he was stressed at all, but when he comes home, you can just see it on his face. I need to spend more time in prayer for him. I have so been loving the devotional on prayer that Dans has been doing at WAH, it came at just the right time for me, and the Lord has really used it to convict and encourage me. Well, I've got to go shower while all the munchkins are snoozing. I'm bringing the kids to Awana with me tonight, because Nate knew he wouldn't be home til later. They'll have fun in the nursery, I just hate to push their bedtime back any. The Lord knows, and it'll be fine, I am sure. Oh, if anyone reads this, got any good ideas for Mother's Day? I was wanting to do something really special for my mom and mil this year, like a mother's ring or necklace or something, but I'm not sure what yet. If anyone has any ideas, let me know! Thankyou!!!


Stephanie said...

There is a woman in W@H named Loni that makes "mother's bracelets" and puts birthstones for kids/grandkids on them. I'm thinking of ordering on for my sister for her birthday this year - they look really pretty from what I could tell online. The site is:

Hope that helps! :-)

Charity said...

Thanks Stephanie, great idea!! I'll check it out. :)