Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I'm sorry

I should not post when I am feeling "grumpy." I should not get grumpy in the first place. Last night the Lord really convicted me about what I wrote yesterday. In reading back over it, I noticed that I said that the attitude of the church we visited seemed self-righteous and judgemental, but that is exactly how I came across yesterday.

What right do I have to "critique" my brothers and sisters in Christ? None.

So what if they don't worship like I do? So what if they place emphasis on other areas of Christian living than I do? Any one of the people in that church could look at my life and point out all sorts of inconsistencies, arrogance, pride, self-righteousness, and an array of other sins. How dare I get up on my high horse and make judgements about their motives or thinking when only God knows their heart?

I was just goint to erase it, but I think I want a reminder of my foolish pride to shame me from getting that way again. If anyone read it, I am asking for your forgiveness for myunChristlike attitude. There was no need for it, and it could only do harm. I am amazed at God's longsuffering towards me, in my naivete and my pride.

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