Thursday, November 18, 2004

Random ramblings of late night brain freeze

Well, the concrete is on for Friday!! Nate decided to rent a line pump which will eliminate the need for the truck to come precariously down our little hill, and will make it go much faster. It is very expensive, but he figured it was the only way it would really work. He's got Jer and Ross lined up to help first thing in the morning. I am so excited for it to be done. He is even doing a walkway from the bottom of the deck stairs around to the pad under the deck where the door to the basement is. Some more good news is that they found the "missing" spa, and it will be delivered to the Carrollton store on Monday!! I am so excited that it would actually work out for me to have that in labor, how incredible!! I don't think I will really believe it until it is here, but everything is pointing to it becoming a reality.

Ugh, anyone want to know how dum I am? I just ate 9 (yes, 9) mini candy bars. You know, the kind that are square. I figure they make up a big size snickers all together. Of course, the last thing one needs when trying to get sleepy at night or unwind is chocolate and sugar, but do you think I would listen to reason? NOOOOO! Maybe I will get a sugar high and then crash and be able to sleep. Anyway, I will probably go take a hot bath in a minute here and hopefully unwind. Nate had a sore throat all day, and I think he is coming down with the little bug the boys and I are just getting over, so he wanted to go to bed early. I actually felt tired and thought I would be able to fall asleep, but the longer I stayed in bed, the more awake I became, and I could tell my legs were starting to get shaky, so I left before I really started tossing and turning and waking Nathan up. He hardly ever gets sick, and is really pathetic when he does. I just want to baby him, which he reacts to with half hearted protests that he's fine, but I think he really likes it. He's so funny.

Tommorow, (well, later today:P) I have Bible study. I am so looking forward to going over this chapter with everyone. It really rocked my world. I shared a little of what I had learned with Nathan the other night. I think it made him happy. Anyway, I am anxious to see what the wise ladies in our study have to say on the matter, and for us to be able to discuss it. I don't know any woman who doesn't struggle with accepting herself, whether it's her body or her personality that she has trouble with, and this chapter really taught me so much. In truth, God really taught me through this. It's amazing how you can read or go over something so many times and yet not have it sink in. I love how the Lord has just the perfect time for us to learn what He has to teach us.

Oh, if anyone is reading this, please pray that this baby will turn into a better position. He just so much prefers to be transverse than anything else. I can feel his little butt sticking out on my left side. I don't know what else I can do to get him into a better position. The Lord knows, and hopefully, He will whisper in baby's ear to turn and stay that way very soon. With George and Ian's pregnancy's, I barely gave a thought to positioning, or doing anything to help it, and this time I have been doing nothing but good posturing, pelvic rocks, polar bears, and staying unreclined, and he still won't go the right way! Anyway, I must calm my anxious heart, and realize that just as with every other little detail in my life, the Lord knows and cares and has it all under control. It is not mine to worry about.

Well, I am feeling more crashed than crazed now from my sugar binge, so I will get in the bathtub, and hopefully into bed, and say goodbye. It interests me to read that 19 people have visited this blog and read these words of mine. I wish people would leave comments, at least a thought or two, it would be interesting to have a random thread of connection to someone who happened upon my site, and took the time to read. I wish I could figure out my guest book. Well, of to bath and bed. Adios, Buenos noches, y hasta manana!

1 comment:

Misty said...

Hi Charity! I'm reading daily! I'm addicted. I put a link on my blog to yours. I hope you don't mind!:) Love you girlfriend! Misty